crepuscular blog

 from Tom Wait's The Black Rider

tom waits - the black rider

 Finally, Deep Slow Majesty remastered it's out !

NOTE: Get "Deep Slow Majesty" at 50% using code: dsm - Offer expires Sept 30 2024


 remembering is an act of rebellion

I was listening to a couple of old records and
it's amazing how a sound, a song, a track can trigger a
whole series of memories, perceptions and experiences linked to it.
Beyond the strictly scientific, I find memory fascinating.
It really is something strange,
to be able to store so many things and also discard others into oblivion.
All it takes is a small stimulus and
all the memories come back from some unknown place
that we all have inside us.
It is undoubtedly one of the greatest gifts that
Nature has given us; to be able to remember and also to be able to forget.
To honor this gift of power we must cultivate it
and not allow certains things to pass into oblivion,
especially when a whole socio-economic system pushes us
to live for the day, without past and without future.
In these times of absolute immediacy, keeping memories alive is an act of rebellion.


 Back, Spring, Fire and Muzak

I am back after visiting family.
It was good to take a few days off from the city and get some fresh air.
Spring is near in this part of the world, one of my favorite times of the year,
the only bad thing is that there is a lot of drought and some forest fires not far from the city.
Other than that I've been focusing on promoting my new album.
Some people tell me to use instagram but I don't feel comfortable with that kind of platforms.
I don't know, it feels invasive, unlike neocities.
Anyway, for now, things are moving forward and I have several musical ideas to make concrete.
On a health level I've been much better, coffee is definitely something forbidden for me.
Accepting reality, resigning myself and moving on is the only thing I can do.
Good health = being able to make more music.
It is often a matter of surviving until you can live properly
. And it's okay, accepting reality is the necessary condition to continue
. I am convinced that the worst enemy is self-deception
. Below, my latest album, "Icecore Sovndktvary " just because why not, it's my blog :)



Finally back on my feet, still with a bad cold but 75% recovered.
The intense cold has taken its toll on me, but in return it has generated an incredible creative impulse:
While I finish the details of the anniversary remaster of my album "Deep Slow Majesty",
I have a new work fresh out of the oven, although it would be
more appropriate to say extracted from the deepest, loneliest and most distant polar layers...
I'll leave it there, more details soon.
Be happy with what you have now, while you work for what you deserve and love.

 (not entirely) returning from the void

I spent the whole weekend with a ridiculously intense cold that
left me completely useless and unable to do anything else but
rest staring at the ceiling as if in a dense fog.
Too much body pain and a semi-dissociative state, caused by the meds.
I am better now but not completely.
I hope to be back to 100% soon and to be able to better coordinate my thoughts.
On weekend, I was listening to music in this state of mind but
I felt that something special was missing, so
I listened to the incredible Astor Piazzolla's @ Montreal Jazz Fest 1984
I remember putting play ( I have it on a file ) and
came crawling back to my bed with all that majesty, sadness, mastery,visceral force, and elegance throwing me into my feverish ravings.
no more body pain, no more sore throat, no more nothing at all,
just my own being dissolving in the details of the textures and pictures that the instruments are creating by the hand of The Maestro Astor.
On Sunday late evening and Monday, still in this semi-febrile state I had to go to the hospital and
process things, then more paperwork with my job,
I did everything on autopilot, but I felt watching all the scenes as if from behind a glass. Dissociated
By the way, while I was waiting for a doctor to attend me,
a badly beaten guy came in, from an accident and
everything was screams and horrified people, children crying at the scene, old ladies looking away....
Blood, and damaged skin, and suffering and pain. It was intense.
At that moment I was thankful I was kind of anesthetized.
Now I should rest one more day and I would be slowly back to normality, so to speak.
is a cliche but no less true: to enjoy the little beautiful things in life, one must first learn to recognize and appreciate them.

 Mid of Week

After working and solving different technical aspects I have ready the remaster
of my album "Deep Slow Majesty"
that I was preparing.
The truth, it was a task that took me a hard time of work,
testing my skills and which left me a few lessons.
Now I have to prepare the visual part, luckily I have the
original photographs to be able to elaborate a new artwork
according to the theme of the album itself.
By the way, last sunday I went to an anime convention and it was simply great
On this side of the world the weather is changing, the cold is slowly retreating,
giving way to spring, which is good for my health.
Also spring and autumn are my favorite seasons.
I have been two weeks without drinking coffee, which is a great personal achievement,
my body is stabilizing after the brutal gastritis I had.
I will continue on this path, the only thing that matters to me
is to be well to continue doing what I like: muzak
Health is the only thing that really matters, so care yourself.
Also, always follow your instinct in whatever you are going to do:
think through a decision and once you make it, don't go back and regret it.


Friday has arrived but I have to work tomorrow morning.
Today I made a new demo track for new album. Its going slow, but that its the good thing about being independent:
You manage your time, its done when its done.
Its exact the opposite of what people in the music bussiness do, but hey,I dont care.
I believe in quality, not quantity.
And that it's one of the reason why there are so much uninspired music around:
People literally releasing a new track for week, because "you need to keep presence in social media" (?)
I guess we were talking about art, not lets say, fast food.
There are even schedules for what are the best days (and hours of the day) to release some music:
Fridays,between 15 and 17; because people left work and search for new music towards weekend
To saturate oneself with excesses with which to escape even for a few hours from routine.
Everything is already scripted, there is nothing spontaneous.
Still working on the remaster. I need some rest for my ears and mind.
My stomach still hurts (burns could me more accurate)
But I am alive and somewhat fine, and that is reason enough to be grateful to the Universe.
Always be yourself, its the only thing that will makes you real, everything else its just pre-ordered.


Well, finally this is the  first entry of my new blog.
I made this smalgarbl place just to share everyday things, thoughts and stuff.
also for learn , practice and experimenting with coding and computers / internet related things,
this means this pseudo-almost-microblog will  be 100 % under construction.For ever.
Creation starts from chaos so there you go.
Btw, for musical there is already the official Crepuscular's News Section A.